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28 Reviews
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Product Information
Overall rating 5.0

Customer Service is rated at a 5/5 for SumUp :

Product Quality is rated at a 5/5 for SumUp :

Product Range is rated at a 4/5 for SumUp :

Value For Money is rated at a 5/5 for SumUp :

Overall is rated at a 5/5 for SumUp :

Number reviews: 28
Overal rating: 5
Review for SumUp by Fitzgerald Electrical & Plumbing Solutions
2nd February 2022

I have been thinking of getting a card machine for a while after being asked by customers now and then if I took card payment, I decided to get one and after doing a bit of research I decided the sum up was the best value in terms of fees and I got a great deal on the machine. I decided I was going with the stand alone reader with built in printer as it is obvious card payments are only going to increase in time so rather than get the basic machine and then upgrade later I went for the top one. Easy to set up for payment to your account and does not need to connect to your phone so just charge it and go! Payment to my account is pretty fast usually within a day or two and looks good when you say I can take card payment so no waiting for payment from customers or having to go pay Cheques in at the bank

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Review for SumUp by Minty Property Developments
26th June 2021

I have just purchased the SumUp card reader through the Tool Talk app.

First The Tool Talk app is really easy to use ordering was nice and simple delivery was fast with no fuss or hassle.

I have just set the reader up and performed a test initial thoughts extremely easy to set up instructions on the app are easy to follow. It is a massive bonus that there is no contract or monthly fee minimum transactions to keep it active etc.
The app is easy to navigate and will be very easy to use when on site taking payments.

Big thumbs up

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Review for SumUp by RMD Electrical Services
18th June 2021

I wanted a card reader for the odd card payment and didnt want to be tied down to a contact or monthly payments, I looked at a few others but decided on SumUp I purchase their basic reader which uses an app on my phone, I havnt had any issues yet and find the fees fair considering there is no other costs involved,
If you are taking lots of card payments the fees might build up and a monthly fee option would probably be best suited

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Review for SumUp by MET Services
22nd February 2021

Great way to get money into your account when customer keeps making excuses. Very competitive rates and money hits my account before you know it. Like the way it also lets you check payments on your computer. Have heard some people say large payments get delayed but never had that issue personally.

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Review for SumUp by DRB Gas Services
21st February 2021

Great machine allows me to make sure I get paid straight away, no waiting for payments 2-3 weeks later.
Small fee for ushering, money paid into my account within a few days. Easy to set up to your phone using app, can send receipt via text message and allows payments on bank cards and most major credit cards. Never had a problem with payment from SumUp

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Review for SumUp by Agps
5th February 2021

Well great little device about to move up to the bigger version with built in sim card. For ease of use plus low percentage compared to others also can be picked up at a very good price.

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Review for SumUp by TJH Electrical
29th January 2021

Great little device!! I use this more for our Sunday football team when people don’t bring cash with them. Easy to set up and link with your phone and bank with very small fees. Can also very easily see what information you need, set prices for products and give refunds all in a matter of seconds

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Review for SumUp by XK8 Group
27th January 2021

Really good product makes payments much more easier. I have found to be better than other card readers and more cost effective than other card readers makes life so much more easier

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Review for SumUp by T S McLaughlin & Son Ltd
17th December 2020

Great product easy to use and makes life a lot easier in getting payments off customers, we are a Groundworks company and do a lot of domestic work so having the card ready makes it easier for the customer to make payments which is what we all want at the end of the day!! Overall great product.
Thanks Terry

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Review for SumUp by Cavendish Electrical Services
14th December 2020

Looks like I got my card reader a bit cheaper than most reviews here as mine was only £20. So handy in the current global situation where nobody wants to handle cash. Best thing is there’s no monthly fee, just a 1.69% free on each transaction, so that’s £1.69 per £100. Worth it to get paid quickly! Needs to Bluetooth to a mobile to get the network connection, and make sure it’s charged up and ready to go!

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Review for SumUp by
9th December 2020

I’ve now been using sumup for almost 2 years and I’ve been very happy with the service. I have the basic card reader which cost about £30. However any current user can give you a recommendation code to discount the cost of the card reader.

There are a number of other readers available including one that incorporates a printer.

There are no monthly costs but each transaction carries a percentage cost starting at 1.69% depending upon the method used. Payments clear quickly also directly into your chosen bank account.

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Review for SumUp by Hiten's Handyman Services Ltd
26th November 2020

Great bit of kit no doubt! Great to take card payments but customer services is poor! And warranty and cover is bad too I mean if it drops it has a glass top and cracks or breaks they don't replace it! I find square better.

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Review for SumUp by Green Leaf Electrical Services
2nd November 2020

Nice easy to use bit of kit not too expensive to buy no regular fees just a small % every transaction it's good to have an alternative payment option for customers

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Review for SumUp by A.O.S Heating and Gas Services Ltd
4th October 2020

Cheap fees and a great little add on to allow customers to pay by card well liked by the more senior customers that are not internet savvy to make a bank transfer

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Review for SumUp by M.O'Brien Gas & Plumbing Services
29th September 2020

Cheapest card fees I could find and the unit works really well. Not as flash as the ones in shops but never had a problem taking payment. You have to wait 2 days to get funds but no massive issue.

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Review for SumUp by Kingdom Heating
26th September 2020

I do try to avoid taking card payments as bank transfers are free but at 1.98% a transaction it’s not too bad for having the peace of mind of actually being paid.

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Review for SumUp by Albert Williams Ltd
12th July 2020

Was advised to get sumup from a customer and have used it many times since. It us a great way of getting paid from your customer and it will be in your bank within a day or two.

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Review for SumUp by CED Electrical
2nd April 2020

Have the basic sum up card reader, it's very good value for money, customers love that fact that I can accept card payments, which also allows them to use a credit card if need be. Charges and fees are very reasonable without any monthly cost.

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Review for SumUp by Bigfoot Strength CCTV Ltd
19th November 2019

This is a great product from a great company, it’s easy to use and with great instructions you cannot go wrong. They have a great customer service that can help you through any issues.

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Review for SumUp by Louis Gas & Heating Ltd
21st August 2019

Excellent mobile card reader and comes in handy collecting payments on the job instead of chasing after customers for late payments. reasonable rates lower than my previous company i used and a smart card reader. money transferred usually within 3 business days.

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Review for SumUp by Consider it Done Electrical Services
21st August 2019

I’ve been with SumUp over a year now. Swapped over when they took over payleven. The transfer was seamless, they kept me informed throughout. The rates are reasonable the card reader a useful size and simple to use. The payments also come through quite quickly, when with payleven this was an issue. I would recommend them to anyone wanted a mobile solution for card payments.

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Review for SumUp by S3 Heating and Plumbing
10th June 2019

Been using Sumup for over 2 years. Can't knock the service, never had any issues apart from dropping my air reader which rendered the device blocked, safety feature as it thinks it's being hacked, sumup sent out a new one for free even though it was 2 years old. Fees are great and the payment summary reports keep my accountant happy. Nothing more to say.

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Review for SumUp by Kingston Gas Services Ltd
10th June 2019

Used sump for about 2 yrs, works well and is a good cost effective solution for the small business to take card payments, dont have to wait ages for funds to land in the bank. Very happy with everything so far.

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Review for SumUp by Tom Sutton Heating
26th May 2019

I have had this machine for a number of months now. So far I’m quite impressed and so are my customers. It’s quick and easy to take a payment and usually takes less then a week to receive payment from sum up. I believe I paid roughly £20 for the machine and of course there are no monthly charges, just 2% taken in each transaction. My only minor grumble would be that I would like the feature to take care payments over the phone to get payments from those clients who “forget” to pay their bills!

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Review for SumUp by Approved Technical Services Ltd
25th March 2019

It’s great to be able to accept cards on the go but this company can basically take as long as they like to pay you especially if the money is like a boiler installation
Waited 2 months to get my money out of them
Ok for small jobs but would not use this if your waiting on the money

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Review for SumUp by Udell Electrical Services
8th March 2019

I’ve had this card reader for a couple of years now and used it a handful of times. Most of the time my customers bank transfer me but I’ve had a couple of customers who have wanted to pay via card. It is the lowest charge and the payment hits my account in a couple of days. It is Anoying you get charged a % of the total transaction so you costs me to have a customer pay via card but it means I get paid quicker and know I’ve been paid before I leave the customers house

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Review for SumUp by Plumbsolve Glasgow Ltd
12th September 2018

Had the wee machine for 6 weeks now and it is great and easy to use and set up. Payments take a few days till in account. Fees are reasonable. Recommend Sum up if you are looking to take some payments by card.

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Review for SumUp by InsideOut Property Solutins
18th August 2018

Great value for money, one off payment for machine and there always seems to be deals on. No monthly contact and lowest percentage commission. I tend to use it for occasional small payments. Easy set up through app on my phone. Would definitely recommend.

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Asked on 23rd May 2020 by Ewelectrics

What are the costs involved with a basic card reader? Want one for small jobs to make payment easier but unsure about the value of it.

Answered on 9th December 2020 by

Basic card reader is about £30 and then each transaction has a cost of 1.69%

I’ve been using it for almost 2 years now and I’m very pleased.