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Glow-worm Energy 35 Store Combi Boiler

1 Review
Product Information
Overall rating 4.0

Build Quality is rated at a 4/5 for Glow-worm Energy 35 Store Combi Boiler :

Ease of Use is rated at a 4/5 for Glow-worm Energy 35 Store Combi Boiler :

Features is rated at a 5/5 for Glow-worm Energy 35 Store Combi Boiler :

Value For Money is rated at a 3/5 for Glow-worm Energy 35 Store Combi Boiler :

Overall is rated at a 4/5 for Glow-worm Energy 35 Store Combi Boiler :

Number reviews: 1
Overal rating: 4
Review for Glow-worm Energy 35 Store Combi Boiler by JB GAS
1st May 2019

Expensive boiler to purchase but you get that back with the water storage and output capacity as long as you have good pressure and you set it up right this boiler is fantastic for the larger properties it also comes with a decent warranty and good customer support if anything did go wrong again as with all glowworm boilers it’s compatible with a range of controls from the most simple to the most complicated smart control .

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


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