Number reviews: 1
Overal rating: 4
Number reviews: 1
Overal rating: 4
Review for Johnstone's Trade Acrylic Durable Matt by Islandmagee Painting & Decorating
15th August 2019
This is really thick durable matt paint which can be easily wiped and almost scrubbed without taking off the surface paint - ideal for those with pets or small kids. You do need to do two coats of it to ensure the durable factor of it kicks in. A great drop of stuff - although fairly pricey.
Review for Johnstone's Trade Acrylic Durable Matt by Jason Gunter Decorating
22nd August 2018
Great quality matt that flows well with great opacity ,only let down is any durable matt does not like a contract matt base so best to use covaplus has a base or let your cutting in dry with the durable and then roll on your first coat,then your good to go but the scrub rating will not apply although still durable
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