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Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver

108 Reviews
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Product Information
Overall rating 4.9

Build Quality is rated at a 5/5 for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver :

Ease of Use is rated at a 5/5 for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver :

Features is rated at a 5/5 for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver :

Value For Money is rated at a 5/5 for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver :

Overall is rated at a 5/5 for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver :

Number reviews: 108
Overal rating: 5
Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Davis Homes
30th August 2023

Started on Milwaukee when I was an apprentice so it’s the only brand I’ve really spent a lot of time with but they’re beasts! Impact driver is brutal and not much stops it at all. Apart from the price the only real letdown is I feel like the batteries don’t last as long as they should.

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by PG Electricals
13th June 2023

Great impact driver I have plenty of Milwaukee battery’s so just bought the bare unit which was at a great price. The driver is very light and impressive power and the built quality is excellent

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Uk Plumbing And Heating
13th February 2022

Just done the change from makita to milwaukee so far really happy, with this impact drive its got 3 different modes that helps with different applications that's the nice little touch that the makita didn't have

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by DC CONTRACTS
13th February 2022

This was one of the first milwaukee tools I ever bought and what a tool I used to use makita and they are a good brand but mailwaukee tops them in every way well powerd and lightweight

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Mtpt
3rd February 2022

Got given one and use it for everything over my makita one. Power not so loud absolutely brilliant. Will slowly move all kit to Milwaukee as and when the makita kit dies

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Kccomputers
2nd February 2022

Bought this to add to my collection I have another make but this one is a little smaller lighter but no loss in power or torque batter lasts longer also and it always good to keep a spare

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by DCS Plumbing & Heating
1st February 2022

Bought this when my m18 bid started to give up after 5 years good service. This is more compact and has loads more power, the self tapper mode is a good and useful touch too

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Bear Gardens and Construction
1st February 2022

Love my had it for a year now it handles a lot of drops and knocks well drives screws in really well no matter what size definitely recommend to anyone looking at buying a new impact driver

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Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Aaron Bradbury Plumbing & Heating limited
29th September 2021

Great impact driver. I have had mine for about three years and still going strong. I must have dropped 50 times but still works very well. 4 speed settings. I do not use the blue tooth app. I would recommend this product. Battery is pain to remove though.

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Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by C Tweed Electrical
16th September 2021

Great tool, not yet come across smithing that it is not capable of dealing with. Very powerful, loads of torque. I really rate the Milwaukee 18v tools.

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Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Plumbforce SW LTD
7th June 2021

Had mine for a while now and still works like new, plenty of power and torque, light weight and fast. Recommend to use on minimum 5amp batteries for long life and power

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Singh Electrics
5th April 2021

It is very powerful! It has three modes and you can change them depending on how much power you will be using. However, at first it seems heavy because it is heavier than other impacts but you will get used to it as the power it puts out makes up for it.

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Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by CED Electrical
2nd April 2021

Recently got this impact driver and it makes my DeWalt look and feel like a kids toy! Seriously good bit of kit!! Oh man it's powerful too! It's surprisingly compact for its power, the body isn't much different in size to my M12 impact.

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Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by PeacockDIY
8th March 2021

Perfect for any time of job! From working on the car to putting up fencing.

More than enough power for the toughest and longest bolts.

Lightweight and good battery life (5ah)

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Rsconnect
6th March 2021

The best impact driver I’ve owned. I’ve had the Dewalt 14v, Makita 18v and now this sit’s pride of place at the top of the tool bag ready for each job. More than enough power, light and still together after being dropped numerous times. Great piece of kit

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Electrician
5th March 2021

Very good impact driver. Quality build construction, been dropped many times and has survived. Comfortably screws screws into most surfaces, not too loud if you arent drilling metal. The battery lasts a long time in it and the speed settings are very useful.

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Jonathan Dauncey
2nd March 2021

Most powerful impact I've ever used, compare it to even its predecessors, and the speed at which it will fire a screw into anything is phenomenal, the only issue I've ever had is bit retention, sometimes it will drop it out, especially if it catches sinking into wood or something similar

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Wycliff
21st February 2021

Powerful tool when needing that extra oomph
Adjustable speed settings makes it a delight to use especially when using it with Posi tex screw heads
Also the lower speed setting makes it easy to control when tightening screws within distribution boards and not over tightening well balanced and controlled.

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Monk Transport Group
21st February 2021

Upgraded from the basic version last year to the FUEL, great decision, plenty of torque, light and easy to use, even use a 3/8 socket adapter and there’s not much below 19mm it struggles to undo! Very impressive

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Speyside Roofing
21st February 2021

Ideal piece of kit colleague has one had a shot and had to buy one,helped make the job of putting screws in a lot quicker and get the job done a lot faster,never looked back since,would recommend this Hex impact driver to anyone.

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Slater Electrical
17th February 2021

How good is this fuel bit of kit.. so much better than the standard edition which I’ve got. Used my colleagues and it’s so much more powerful. Will be getting this soon.

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by C J Mcleod Electrical
15th February 2021

Was blown away by the power of this unit. It arrived an a fully moulded plastic case that will interlock with other Milwaukee cases. The unit it self is quite underwhelming in its size but wow they have made the most of the angry pixies in the M18 battery. This would drive a screw through a neutron star. Best buy ever.

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by City Express Windscreen Replacement
14th February 2021

This is the best impact driver Ive ever used. Far superior to dewalt and bosch for battery longevity and driving power. Five out of five stars

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Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Lock Building Contractor
13th February 2021

We run Dewalt and Milwaukee platforms and have just added this impact. It’s compact and powerful, to date it edges the Dewalt. Driving 180mm screws into floor joists like butter.

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Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Mcclements
12th February 2021

The easiest way to sink a screw. This is one of the best out there. Makes easy work of 100mm screws into hardwood. Just be sure to buy good bits for it will make light work of cheap but.

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Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Innswood Homes Ltd
12th February 2021

Had one of these eight years now and it still performs great, I am very impressed with the batteries they just last and last, charge up quite quickly as well, highly recommend

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Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by DRM Electrical
9th February 2021

Can not find one thing to fault this impact on, maybe it is too strong? If that is possible but this is a great machine and for the size of it it beats any other impact on the market such a great tool i use mine every day

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Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Chlo Plumbing and Bathrooms
9th February 2021

I have a slightly older model than pictured, 5 years on and it’s still going strong, starting to show some signs of old age but the trigger and impact although getting slightly weaker still does its job properly.

It’s been abused on the job and still going, proper bit of kit.

Without a doubt would purchase one again, worth the money I paid for it on a deal through selco.

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Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by H Harrison And Co
7th February 2021

Faults are, the trigger occasionally doesn’t start the tool, but a couple of clicks later and it is fine for a few months, I gather this is common. The only other one is the one touch chuck does occasionally let the bit go when you pull the tool out of work.
But, I completely overuse this tool, I even use this instead of my 1/2 impact wrench for up to m16 work it snaps the adaptors there is so much torque, it’s tiny, light and has well and truly earned its spot in the tool box!
It is so easy on batteries and just keeps going for a full day, I have it with a 2ah so it is incredibly compact.

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Adj Interiors
7th February 2021

I use this everyday pretty much and it never disappoints at all. Really solid and well made bit of kit and with the 5ah battery it will really last a long time. The red colour scheme is also very nice, feels like you are using ferrari!

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Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Cwp
6th February 2021

The best impactor I have owned, very powerful and has sunk everything I've used. I have the one key version and I love the way I can lock my tool out, track the tools last location and customise the speed and torque setting depending on what fixing I am using no matter how big or small.

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Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Babcock
6th February 2021

Amazing quality drill for the price, I would personally put it above other comparable drills on the market. I’m yet to find anything it can’t drive through.

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Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Denne Joinery
5th February 2021

This impact is crazy I can drive pretty much anything into anything so powerful better then any other impact on the market I have two of these now one for 3 years one for 6 months and the 3year old one still holds the same performance as my newer one

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Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by G R J
2nd February 2021

Even as a mechanic I didn't think I'd ever need an impact driver as a square drive impact wrench is more the norm. However, with a hex to square drive adaptor I've now got a versatile and highly effective 1/4, 3/8 or 1/2" drive impact gun.

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Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Brendan Ballard Plumbing & Heating Services
1st February 2021

Fantastic piece of kit. Works as it should. Drives screws in without effort. Batteries last a while. I believe you can get an other branded 6AH battery too which is a bonus. But the 4 and 5 ah works just fine. They are expensive but in my experience worth every penny. Strong, well built and do the Job.

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by TJH Electrical
26th January 2021

Had mine 6 years now and still as good as the day it came out the box. Powerful, light weight and small enough to get in a lot of tight spaces. Comes with a 3 year warranty but you will not need it

Build Quality:

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by WR Services
21st January 2021

Powerful little thing, gets screws in with pure ease and makes life so much easier. Can get a little heavy with a 5ah battery but it will last all day with no problems

Build Quality:

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Craig Drury Building Service
20th January 2021

Got this in a set that I brought. It’s multi function output buttons makes it great for all types of use. Wether your driving in 6inch screws or fitting kitchen units together.

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Eke
19th January 2021

Don’t own this exact model but have one very similar and have to say one of the best impacters you will use my Milwaukee kit has converted most of my co workers to Milwaukee. It’s also very durable even after countless knock and falls and no problems in 3 years

Build Quality:

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Burden Bros Agri
19th January 2021

This impact driver is next level. The only issue I ever find is to not drive screws too far home. The runtime on a 5ah battery is amazing. Would highly recommend it might be priced higher but it is worth it.

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Mazri Electrical
20th December 2020

Can’t stress how good this is! In power it’s one of the best. Has 3 modes + another mode in which it will go according to what you need screwing in.
Very strong, dropped it from some ladders and no harm done. Body is also strong and doesn’t get damaged easily. The best on the market according to me

Build Quality:

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by MC Ltd
20th December 2020

My Trusty Hilti is not listed here but this is the second favourite impact I’ve used these a few times over the years always been impressed with the build and performance if I were to change from Hilti it would be Milwaukee impact that would take its place.

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by C Construction
20th December 2020

Good weighted power tool, decent price, does the job it’s designed for, like the colour to prevent miss placing, fitted in well with my job, fits my drill bits etc

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Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by N Barker Plumbing Heating and Gas Services
20th December 2020

Well balanced piece of kit, comfortable to use. Powerful and reliable. Had mine over 4 years still going strong, great impact driver for all the tasks I use as a plumber/ gas engineer. They may be initially more expensive than others on the market, with the build quality I would say it’s well worth the money. Sorry can’t remember exactly what I paid, it’s a while since I bought it

Build Quality:

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Dodd Group
20th December 2020

Milwaukee produce the best tools simple as that and this impact driver is no exception, use this for heavy work and I’ve got the M12 Impact for light work and I can’t praise then highly enough

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Briggs Electrical
8th December 2020

I genuinely believe milwaukee produce the best impact driver on the market. It is comfortable to use and doesn't feel clunky has speed control and I have owned one for 3 years used daily.

Build Quality:

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by G cope heating
2nd December 2020

Rather on the expensive side, but quality doesn’t come cheap! 5 years in the trigger is sticking a little, other than that, bulletproof! Survived many a fall and even a replaced the estwing a couple of times! Waiting for mine to break so i can buy the surge model next.

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by A.S.L Carpentry & Construction Ltd
22nd November 2020

This my 3rd Milwaukee impact, can’t fault the price for a bare unit as already have the batteries.
Milwaukee ain’t the cheapest but the quality is great.

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by John Carne
29th October 2020

Got the latest model with one key. Extremely powerful easily the most powerful on the market. Trigger is decent but makita has better control the one key makes up for it tho as I can set it up for certain tasks rpm trigger ramp up torque etc. Very compact and built to last and it’s cheap by comparison to the same tool from makita.

Build Quality:

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Supaheat Ltd
3rd October 2020

Absolute quality. A bit of an underdog on site the Milwaukee is but they are so much better than the other options out there. This is just an impact driver wait till you get to the bigger stuff!

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by KJSolutions
29th September 2020

This is 100% the best impact driver on the market, unmatched on power, control and weight. Very well built and super reliable. I would 100% recommend this to anyone whether you're a diyer or a pro

Build Quality:

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by T D Security
28th September 2020

Well built and as with all tools in the m18 range one battery does all. I’ve now started moving my tools over to Milwaukee and although the body only units seem higher priced than some competitors they are worth the money.
Best way to keep cost down is by one of the combo sets to start which comes with spare batteries and then buy the bodies only.
I’ve found the performance does not drastically drop even when batteries are down to one bar.

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Rhys Jones
27th September 2020

I have the one key variant but believe the base functions and power output is the same. I was dead impressed with this kit and I have recommended it heavily to everyone since. I have moved from labouring for a spark to doing general building work and it has coped with the increase demand in power spot on.

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by D A Childs Joinery
26th September 2020

Very well balance and built to last. Compact in size but has the grunt of a much bigger impact. I have used it with 6.7x250mm timber framing screw and it just buried them. Low vibration compared to some others I have tried and has the drilling mode too.

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by R.W. Building Midlands Ltd
26th September 2020

Hi Bought this a while ago and I use it pretty much every day. It's cheap to buy and it's got so much power behind it. I can't recommend it enough.

Build Quality:

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Sah
25th September 2020

Brilliant impact driver really well balanced with a great controlling trigger that allows easy application of the correct amount of torque to get the job done.

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by D.Crompton
25th September 2020

Great quality product one of the best Milwaukee products I own but very pricy compared to other brands and batteries are very heavy weight the other light impact driver down

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Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by GH
24th September 2020

You really get what you pay for with this impact driver doesn't miss a beat never had any problems... battery life is great.. definitely would recommend

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by 1 Call Electrical
27th February 2020

Love this impact drill. Everything is easier with it and if you use the smaller batteries you can get in almost anywhere. One tool that I wouldn't be without.

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Adaptive Control Solutions
25th February 2020

I mean you get what you pay for with power tools and Milwaukee are a little more expensive than some other brands but the build quality is top notch especially if you pay the little extra for the fuel version which this is. I want my tools to last these will! Not found a fixing yet that I cant drive in with this thing.

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by AF Electrical Limited
5th February 2020

Very powerful for such a small size. lightweight and simple to use. The controls work quite well especially number 4 for the self tapping screws.

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by D L Plumbing and Heating
19th September 2019

Light weight easy to use and very powerful, good for everyday jobs or just small jobs would definitely go for a newer version wheny one breaks two years still going strong

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by A L Plumbing & Heating
15th August 2019

love this impact driver last for ever never had a screw or bolt it won’t do up so powerful don’t leave home without it only problem iv ever had was with the bits smashing because of the power but changed to impact bits and problem solved

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Hodgson Electrical
7th July 2019

Brilliant bit of kit, can't recommend enough, cost might be slightly higher than its competitors but overall I feel the build quality is much higher. Batteries last a long time and the power perfect

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by DM Heating & Plumbing
30th May 2019

Superbly powerful driver with amazing power suitable for all applications. Very good size for getting in those awkward tight spaces which surprisingly you can’t get into with the 12volt model

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Warrior Heating
4th May 2019

Superb impact driver use this every day. Milwaukee is the best gear i have ever used and has never let me down will not buy anything else just keeps going.

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by HLG Decorating Solutions
31st March 2019

Best impact on the market. Feels very well made and has incredible power, if your budget allows for this 100% buy it worth every penny and will last for years.

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Michael Frith Plumbing
30th March 2019

Very powerful Impact driver & like most of Milwaukee tools it fits nicely in the hand & comfortable to use all day. would recommend using it with the 5 Ah batteries

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Aurora Building and Maintenance
19th March 2019

Very good and class full impact it has three settings, just upgraded to the brand-new one which is a lot smaller than the older one very good use with a 2 amp battery doesn’t struggle to screw in on either setting

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by DL Property Maintenance Services
27th February 2019

Very powerful price of kit, built a big decking area for a customer when I first purchased this product, completed the job with ease and with excellent battery life.
Could not be without it now

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Clearwater Plumbing & Heating
12th December 2018

What a bit of kit, Have had mine for about 6 months now and it gets a lot of use hasn't missed a beat and far out performs any other impact drivers I have used. The multi function setting is very useful for different material types too!

Build Quality:

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by S T Plumbing
1st November 2018

Light weight and powerful. It’s not a tool I use all day but I use it at least daily. Battery lasts a long time. I love the fact you can change how aggressive the impact is. It’s also nice that you can fine tune it from the app

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by DW ground works
5th October 2018

Very good dose what u need it for put the screws in like no tomorrow I even got my m8 one for Xmas they r that good

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Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by BCU Plumbing
3rd October 2018

Best impact driver I have owned or tested, beats makita and dewalt hands down. Have been abusing it everyday and has never let me down

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Cromer Plumbing & Heating Limited
4th September 2018

Easily the best impact driver I have used, can feel a bit heavy with the ah batteries. but has immense power. The different speed options really are useful. Would highly recommend!

Build Quality:

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Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Bitz 'n' PC'z Ltd
19th August 2018

A very powerful beast with a max torque of 203nm

I replaced a Makita with this tool and it is far superior. It comes with 4 modes of operation:

Mode 1 for precision work.
Mode 2 helps prevent damage to fasteners and material.
Mode 3 delivers maximum performance for the toughest applications.
Mode 4 intelligently detects when the tool has impacted on a fastener for one second automatically shutting the tool down, reducing overdriving and damaging materials.

If you already have batteries & a charger you get get this as a body only for around £85 Inc vat

Highly recommended!

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Esspro Property Services
12th August 2018

This is a amazing bit of kit which for us is the top of the pile. Though its on the heavy side its powerful, Effective and makes short work of anything you put it too. Well worth the money.

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Mckean gas
7th March 2018

Great power compared to my previous makita. Although expensive I managed to get a good deal through Plumbcenter.

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Darren Spencer Electrical
15th February 2018

A good quality product , bought this as part of a combo set, but really impressed with the power it gives.

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Ambient Heating & Plumbing
12th February 2018

I purchased the kit and I must say I love the impact driver, makes short work of fixing screws and the battery life is great, my next purchase is milwlkee

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Camlec
31st January 2018

Not the cheapest on the market and find the metal bit at the front gets very hot when used for long periods. Quite heavy compared to other. Prefer the 12v version.

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Grant John Services
18th January 2018

I don’t know how I ever did my job without this impact driver. Had it a few years now and still works as new.

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by The Boiler Change Experts
13th December 2017

Excellent tool and very powerfull. Used daily and fires out excellent power and also has a great battery life.

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Richards Simmons Heating Ltd
12th December 2017

Moved over from 18v Makita and the power difference is unreal, got a great deal from toolstation as they were half price at the time and the brushless combi drill is a delight also

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Tom Crabbe Electrical
11th December 2017

brilliant drill, moved over from makita from this and I wish I did it years ago!! the different settings is great for delicate fixings, and the battery lasts a lot more than makita

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by A.rix
4th December 2017

I have only had 2 impact drivers one was a Makita and one is this one. This one is soo mich better. When I first started to use it I thought it was too heavy and would not have much control of the screws. But you find with the 3 speed setting it is easy to control the screw

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Youle & son's mechanical services ltd
4th December 2017

Love mine. Works a treat everytime. You can feel the extra power all others seem to lack. Would highly recommend buying one.

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Jb electrical
1st December 2017

Surpasses my previous dewalt in every way. The 4 modes are great - there’s a delicate mode for finishing work, normal mode, rip heads of screws mode (ideal for concrete screws) and self tapping mode.
Like all fuel gear it’s well made and feels quality

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Pegasus Plumbing & Heating
24th September 2017

Bought this in a set with the drill. Really powerful and the 5 ah batteries make a lot of difference.

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Albert Williams Ltd
23rd September 2017

Bought this impact driver a few years ago and still going strong. No issues with anything a very powerful machine

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Forsythe Joinery
6th September 2017

Great impact, used Dewalt for years then tried this one and would never go back. More power, more control and the batteries seem to last ages.

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Hirst Gas Services
17th August 2017

The best on the market! Mine gets some right abuse everyday

Did have a problem with the two 4.0amp battery's that came with it not working anymore. But replaced them with 5.0 Andres been fine

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Heaney heating
17th August 2017

Most powerful and well build impactor I've ever used8
, easy to use and with the 4 settings it's an easy buy

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Family Gas and Heating
15th August 2017

Best compact drill out there , great battery, solid build and cost a bit more but well worth it. Simple to use with not much strain

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Elements Heating Installations
2nd July 2017

This is a beast. Best impact I have bought, so much power and comfortable to use. Buy it will quick charge unit and you got your self a great set

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by One Click Electrical
27th June 2017

Best impact driver I have ever used. Very robust and after dropping a few times I'm very happy it was.

Very easy to use with several speeds and quick change

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by DMD Electrical Services
27th June 2017

Brilliant impact driver use it daily! Always using it very lightweight.
Excellent build quality, especially when you drop it from a high height!

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by CS electrics
26th June 2017

I have had the impact driver with 4 ah batteries for about 7 years now and has not missed a beat. It has been dropped many times. They drills are a little expensive but certainly built to last

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Gas Eco Heat
18th June 2017

Another great product from Milwaukee , long lasting battery specially with 5ah , could have adjustable speed.

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Neptune plumbing and heating
18th June 2017

I bought milwaukee m18 impact driver about 12 months ago amazed by the power and performance compared to my old makita 18 volt version build quality is first class very pleased.

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by AMR Heating Solutions
12th June 2017

Only ever had Milwaukee so can't really compare.ive had no issues with this impact and the battery lasts ages

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Ormerod Plumbing and Heating
19th May 2017

I have used Milwaukee gear for years now, the build quality is great, the torque setting on this really comes in handy when you don't want to over tighten a screw

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Youngs Gardening Services
30th April 2017

Had tools previousky stolen, wanted tonreplace them with something long lasting tough and up to alot of abuse. This really stands up to everything inwantes battery life is exceptional. The ease of use and all round build quality is tough and very high standard. Ive used mine for months dropped it plenty of times and not made any effect it really stand up to heavy use, better than using a combi drill highly recommeded. Having used other brands dewalt and makita this stnds out from the crowd.

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by iGas Heating Ltd
17th April 2017

Treated myself to this at Xmas
After using dewalt since my
Makita kit was stolen few years back, and his knocks spots off both makita and dewalt
Aiming to completely kit out in Milwaukee for all my cordless stuff

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by DTR Gas & Heating
5th April 2017

Out powers anything i have used previous..Battery life is brilliant. Gets hammered day in day out with no problem..Would recommened to anyone and a rilliant price for the quality

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by PARAGAS
24th March 2017

Best impact driver I've had. Different torque settings make it so versatile to use. Nicely balanced and powerful.

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by D.Q Plumbing and Heating
24th January 2017

A much more heavy duty impact driver but perfet for hammering 4" 12s into brickwork etc. Im a plumber/gas engineer and use it daily.

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Milwaukee Power Tools M18 FID2 FUEL™ 1/4in Hex Impact Driver by Rgb carpentry
21st October 2016

To heavy and battery takes well over the quotedtime to charge

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Asked on 24th September 2020 by Home Works

Looking at the moving over from makita to Milwaukee. What’s the fuel range all about? Worth the money?

Answered on 24th September 2020 by CED Electrical

100%. It's all brushless, built to last and it's their top of the range stuff. It's their most powerful range. Don't bother with the Bluetooth tool connect stuff though, personally it's a bit of a gimmick.

Answered on 26th September 2020 by SWITCH Electrician

“Fuel” means it’s the brushless model and if an impact driver has “surge” in the name then it’s the hydraulic variation which is apparently slightly less power (which is measured differently so don’t just go by the numbers) but much quieter.
The battery options and charger choice are massive and slightly confusing until you know your stuff.
The whole M18 is massive too. A tool for every job sometimes even more than one tool for every job ;-)

Answered on 27th September 2020 by Enertech FM Ltd

In terms of the impacts in this range ive got the M18 fuel unit which I've had for 2 years now without any sort of issue, more power than you'll need and great on the battery life. The m12 Range also had dome great kit with plenty power along with being very compact. I'd always take the brushless option (fuel) in any brand of power tool I bought

Answered on 11th December 2020 by Rotech Electrical Ltd

I have had the M18 for a while now. Will not change brands again as long as the quality stays like it is. An awesome piece of kit

Answered on 13th December 2020 by Le Draig Electrical/property services ltd

I switched this year from Makita to Milwaukee. As others have said,it's much more superior to other like Makita

Answered on 20th December 2020 by Dave Howells Plumbing & Heating

Over the past 30 years used most brands . Been using Milwaukee kit past 5 years have not looked back quality kit

Answered on 23rd January 2021 by Senilga Construction

I’ve got both the M18 and M12 now after changing over from Makita about 18 months ago and I’ll never go back! Powerful and precise!!!

Answered on 29th January 2021 by Mrc Contracting Ltd

I changed Over around 2-3 years ago mainly as I wanted a grease gun and I’d heard there’s was the best, to be honest it’s very good and I’m very happy with it but can’t say it’s the best as I’ve not tryed many others

Answered on 5th February 2021 by Pbs

I moved over to Milwaukee I’m a shuttering joiner and I wouldn’t use anything else now!
Gone the days of a generator and cables all over!

I’ve now got a full range from ripsaws to impact driver and would 100% buy

Answered on 9th February 2021 by Chlo Plumbing and Bathrooms

Once you’ve made yourself fork out for the tools and kitted out with it all you’ll never look back.

Takes the daily abuse of site work and small domestic jobs and keeps performing.

4/5 amp hour batteries are perfect for daily use, 3’s are last resort for me if the rest aren’t charged ready.

All the tools have simple easy to use features that you don’t get on many other brands

Answered on 9th February 2021 by DRM Electrical

Milwaukee definately worth the money over makita but it really depends on what you’re using it for, I’ve used the same fuel impact for over 5 years and it hasn’t skipped a beat so that might help

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