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Olympic Gun Foam Applicator - Heavy Duty

3 Reviews
Product Information
Overall rating 5.0

Build Quality is rated at a 5/5 for Olympic Gun Foam Applicator - Heavy Duty :

Ease of Use is rated at a 5/5 for Olympic Gun Foam Applicator - Heavy Duty :

Features is rated at a 5/5 for Olympic Gun Foam Applicator - Heavy Duty :

Value For Money is rated at a 5/5 for Olympic Gun Foam Applicator - Heavy Duty :

Overall is rated at a 5/5 for Olympic Gun Foam Applicator - Heavy Duty :

Number reviews: 3
Overal rating: 5
Review for Olympic Gun Foam Applicator - Heavy Duty by Holmes Construction
1st June 2021

Great solid gun, Excellent applicator for fitting in awkward places much better than disposable cans with straws. and easily cleaned with a can of cleaner after use

Build Quality:

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Value For Money:


Review for Olympic Gun Foam Applicator - Heavy Duty by Eastside Electrical Services
10th April 2021

This is a game changer for anyone that uses expanding foam alot makes using the foam easy and after use the cleaning fluid just sorts it right out

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


Review for Olympic Gun Foam Applicator - Heavy Duty by DAJ
1st April 2021

Fairly expensive but decent. As long as you look after it, clean regularly with gun cleaner inside and externally big wipes work very well.
Good feel in the hand and easy to control the flow with the adjustable pin.
Little thin on the barrel and can bend in the back of the van if not protected.

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


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