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2 Video Reviews
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Overall rating 0.0

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13th January 2023

I'm Dan O'Brien from O'Brien Property Maintenance, and I'm a user of Superscript Insurance. The reason why I chose to use Superscript is I found it a lot easier to use. It's very flexible. You can up your policy, lower your policy as and when, and all that changes is your monthly fee.
The previous insurance company I had, all it seemed to do was increase year by year. You were tied into it for a full year. But with Superscript, you can do it by a 30-day rolling contract. You're not actually tied to a long term, which is flexible for myself and also the running of my business.
Partway through my policy, I've decided I wanted to add my personal power tools. It was straightforward, simple to do. And my monthly policy had only increased by a small amount for a 6,000-pound tool cover. I'd recommend Superscript because it's simple to use. It's easy to get around. It's brilliant for your business as it's easy to work around for your monthly subscriptions and stuff.

2nd December 2022

Hi, Tool Talk. It's Chris from Minty Property Developments. I'm doing a review on Superscript Business Insurance. I got a great deal through Expert Trades. Went on the Verified app, clicked on it, I thought it's going to be half decent because it's recommended by, or they're working with Verified by Expert Trades.
It's really easy to use. Someone like me, I'm not massively into tech. I'm not computer-based or anything like that. I'm very, very hands-on, so something nice and easy to use for me. If I want to change my policy, add an employee, add extra tool cover, you can do it all as it's a rolling contract. One month, I can say, "Yeah, I want 5,000 pounds worth of tool cover." The next month, I bought a lot more kit. I now need 10,000 pounds. It's easy to do that with Superscript.
Also works the other way. If I want to decrease at any point, I'm not doing those kind of jobs anymore, so I can decrease my liability that little bit from say, five to two million. Again, nice and easy to do. It just adjusts your monthly payments. Perfect. Really simple to use. Great for me. Great for my business. I recommend it.

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