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Tracer Tape Measure

1 Review
3 Video Reviews
Product Information
Overall rating 3.0

Build Quality is rated at a 3/5 for Tracer Tape Measure :

Ease of Use is rated at a 4/5 for Tracer Tape Measure :

Features is rated at a 1/5 for Tracer Tape Measure :

Value For Money is rated at a 2/5 for Tracer Tape Measure :

Overall is rated at a 3/5 for Tracer Tape Measure :

Number reviews: 1
Overal rating: 3
Review for Tracer Tape Measure by Bennetts Safe Gas
6th September 2023

It’s a very basic tape measure. Compared to all the other tracer product I’ve used this seems a bit cheap. No extra features or anything to make it stand out from the crowed. Nice item if it’s free but I wouldn’t really buy it. Other company’s make tapes better for less.

Build Quality:

Ease of Use:


Value For Money:


4th October 2024

I'm Dean from Dean Meredith Services. Today I'm playing with the Tracer tape measure. Literally got a bit of flooring for a friend to do, so we'll see how she goes.
Little one-handed operation. 130's tight so 129 is what I want. Recoils in quite well. And let's go from there. So yeah, tape stays, nice thick braid. It's quite handy that it stays out.

4th October 2024

Hi, I'm TJ Merredith with TJ Maintenance. I'm a general contractor. This is the TRACER 5m Tape Measure with auto-lock. You would generally use this for measuring out areas that you would need to cut timber for or quote a job. I liked the tape measure as such, but there was nothing I disliked.

4th October 2024

I'm Lee Ekins and I work for Surrey Plumbing Solutions, and I'm a plumber. I'm just recently reviewing the Tracer tape measure. I think it's a nice bit of kit. I've been using it at work, and what I like especially about it is the end with the magnet and the long clasp that I can just catch on to anything, i.e. radiators, anything with a square edge, baths, towel rails, anything like that.
The numbers are great, they're well written, you can see them. It's quite a wide tape measure to boot as well. So if you're extending over a metre, anything like that, this tape measure is great.
I like the colours on it, so you can see it if you're working in a dark space. And also they've got that little clip at the back, which is great when you put it on your jeans so you always know where it is. Also, there's a little handrail, a little hand knot. You can catch it like that or hang it onto something, same again so you don't lose it. So I think it's a great bit of kit.
Anything to improve it? I don't think so because at the top here, you've got all the little segments you can put your hand where it sits onto the rubber holding so you can get a firm purchase on it. So no, I like it. I think it's a good bit of kit.

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